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Engagement Weekly: Employee Engagement is a Team Effort

Learn about the latest in employee engagement within various industries. This week’s influential authors look at the ways in which you can get your whole company involved in employee engagement, some specific strategies to use, and some to avoid.

Get the full stories below.

1. Employee Engagement Is Everyone’s Job – Ask #HR Bartender

HR bartender – The focus on employee engagement is not going away, and in order to achieve it successfully, everyone must be a part of it. Read More

2. 50+ Employee Engagement Ideas

HubWorks – Sick of the same old engagement ideas? Here are more than 50 ideas to try out at your company. Read More

3. 5 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement

Paychex – What steps can companies take to address problems with employee engagement and proactively promote a culture of engaged workers? Read More

4. What Does Employee Engagement Look Like?

The Huffington Post –  In order to know if you are succeeding at employee engagement, you first have to know how to actually recognize it. Read More

5. How Employee Engagement Raises Retention Rates – These five strategies are effective at engaging workers and improving retention to ensure a profitable, productive workforce. Read More

6. 5 Things To Stop Doing If You Want A Successful Employee Engagement Program

npEngage – Sometimes you need to stop focusing on the things that you should be doing, and instead figure out which bad practices you need to stop. Read More

7. Why Employees Are Unengaged

Skip Prichard – Disengagement is a defense mechanism. Employees distract themselves from what makes them unhappy (work) with other things they deem more fulfilling. Read More

8. 63% Of Employees Don’t Trust Their Leader—Here’s What You Can Do To Change That

Forbes – 63% of survey respondents said CEOs are somewhat or not at all credible. Read More

9. Combat Employee Turnover With Employee Engagement

TrainingFolks – Employee engagement has a lot of benefits, but one of the best is that it will help save money on a high employee turnover. Read More

10. No One Wants to Face an Unhappy Admin: Engagement Strategies that Can Help

OfficeTeam – Your administrative team is critical to the success of your employees and, in turn, your business. They provide vital support services for nearly everyone in your organization. Read More