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Resources to Scale Your L&D Programs

…and why scaling Employee Training and Development programs matters.

As an organization, are you looking to scale your Learning and Development (L&D) programs? Chances are, based on recent industry reports, your answer is “yes.”

According to the most recent LinkedIn Learning report, the influence and value of a thriving L&D team continues to rise. Organizations are centering L&D programs to create pathways for organizational agility, employee career development and internal mobility, and as a means of retention.

“For organizations, agility equals the ability to survive and even thrive amid economic headwinds. And what is agility if not constant learning?” —LinkedIn 2023 Workplace Learning Report

At AllenComm, we keep a close watch on the trends within our industry. Based on these recent reports, plus what we’re hearing during from clients, we know many are seeking both L&D employee training and development project support from domain experts and L&D staffing services. As such, we launched our Smart L&D Staffing service this year.

Is your internal Learning and Development (L&D) team being challenged to ‘do more with less’?  As we find ourselves looking for ways to maximize budgets, meet accelerated deadlines, and support our teams, staffing might be the right strategy for your organization – as a longer term hybrid workforce to scale, or on a temporary basis.

How would staffing services work? We recently published an eBook with more information on the strategy behind use of staffing services, whether that’s in provide professionals to augment your team, as well as managed services for larger projects.

Below, you’ll find an excerpt from our book regarding the roles available. Staffing can help increase both the capabilities and competencies of your team at all phases of a project – whether that’s during the needs analysis, performance mapping, content curation, design, or delivery and integration phases.

Does your team include all of these roles? Take a look. The resource below can give you ideas on how you might fill any gaps to support your team.

Want more information, or have questions? Please be sure to reach out. Our Smart L&D Staffing services are designed to provide the resources you need to meet your organizational goals – now and in the future.