Our economy is undergoing a rapid transformation driven by technology and the recent move to remote work (whether full or part time). As a result, we can and should expect that it will be important to empower employees with new skills to bridge the gap and successfully transition. Many organizations are making this a priority – whether through new learning and development initiatives, or by bringing in consultants to help update content to include upskilling and reskilling training solutions.
Consider. A recent McKinsey survey found that the majority (87%) of responding executives are “currently experiencing a skills gap or expect them to emerge within a few years.” Those same executives say skill building will be more effective than hiring new team members as well in terms of time and budget, according to the survey.
What types of skills top the list for upskilling and reskilling initiatives?
Three Skill Sets for Upskilling and Reskilling to Meet the Future of Work
Many organizations are investing in these three areas:
- Technological Savvy: Does your team need to brush up on new platforms? Chances are good the answer is ‘yes.’ More than any other skill set, organizations have identified a technology skills gap. Teams may need data analysis, IT, software, and other platform trainings to meet the demands of the marketplace and needs of vendors, supply chains, and customers.
- Remote Teams Management: Beyond technology skills – such as those needed to run remote video conferencing; chats; and to present, organize, and record information – managers need soft skills to effectively engage and lead teams. Effective remote management skills include adaptability, collaboration, and encouragement to be proactive in communication.
- Customer Service: Organizations have always known how important interpersonal skills are for customer service representatives. Representatives also need a mix of branding, compliance, and sales know-how to provide top service in rapidly changing market conditions. Trainings should include product knowledge, real-world practice scenarios to resolve issues, and information to help employees present useful, on-message communication.
What other skills are needed? We would recommend all organizations improve change management through skills training that encourages capability in addition to competency. Capability training helps employees learn decision making skills needed to solve problems, and boost confidence and performance.
You can read an article with more thoughts on change management best practices from AllenComm CEO Ron Zamir here.
And what about employees? The initial feedback to an increase in upskilling and reskilling training initiatives is overwhelmingly positive. Why?
We’re seeing employees welcoming this change. They’re hungry for opportunities to learn, because they know learning and development pays off through increase opportunities and career advancement. Moreover, they feel greater loyalty to organizations that are willing to invest in them and are more motivated to perform in their day-to-day role.
In short, upskilling and reskilling employees is a win/win for both organizations and employees.
Need support, solutions, or just more information? The team at AllenComm invites you to learn more about our upskilling and reskilling solutions and contact us to schedule a consultation when you’re ready to be ready for the future of work.
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